Hiking – Flayosc – Peylong / Figueiret
Hiking – Flayosc – Peylong / Figueiret Distance: 8 km Duration: 2h30 Difficulty: Medium Elevation: 250 m From the village (1) pass under the porch next to the post office
Go from point 1 to point 6:
follow the instructions above
Returnfrom point 6 to point A and to the car park (starting point):
take the same path as for the outward journey, until you cross a wide DFCI track at point A.
Then turn right and go down to point B then turn left along the river to the car park.
Access: Route de l’Europe “Site de Saint-Barthélémy” then chemin Saint-Barthélémy until the end. Carpark.
Walk alongside the pond, the creek, cross the wooden bridge and reach the chapel.
Go back downhill and turn right (1) and continue in the valley to junction (2).
Take right turn and uphill to “old Salernes” Salernes vieille (3). Continue until belvedere is reached: view on Saint-Barthélémy Chapel and site.
Retrace your steps back to the bottom of the dell (2) turn right and follow the pathway up to the hunters houses (4) before reaching wheat areas (5).
Follow the pathway heading uphill up to Tholos de la Lauve (6) panorama over the Maures Heights, Salernes countryside.
To go back to the carpark use the same path until (A).
Turn on your right walk downhill until (B).
At the River go left until Saint-Barthelemy carpark.
Hiking – Flayosc – Peylong / Figueiret Distance: 8 km Duration: 2h30 Difficulty: Medium Elevation: 250 m From the village (1) pass under the porch next to the post office
Sports hike – Les Arcs sur Argens – Castel Diaou Distance: 12.2 km Duration: 4h30 Difficulty: Difficult Elevation: 390 m Park at La Tournavelle (1), between the Argens bridge, and
Family walk – Bargemon – La table d’orientation Distance A/R: 9 km Duration A/R: 3h Difficulty: Easy Elevation: 400 m Head past the gendarmerie and follow direction to Col du
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